Nominations to be returned to by the closing date.

Closing Date for 2023 AGM: 8th August 2023 at 8pm AWST

Committee Positions Available to be Nominated For

  • President
    • It is the duty of the president to consult with the secretary regarding the business to be conducted at each committee meeting and general meeting.
    • The president has the powers and duties relating to convening and presiding at committee meetings and presiding at general meetings provided for in these rules.
    • The president is the primary representative of the club to external parties and stakeholders (e.g. other clubs, sponsors) but may delegate this to other members as necessary
  • Vice President
    • Assumes the responsibilities of the president in their absence
    • Works in conjunction with team coaches to resolve disciplinary matters within the club
  • Secretary
    • dealing with the Association’s correspondence; 
    • consulting with the president regarding the business to be conducted at each committee meeting and general meeting;
    • preparing the notices required for meetings and for the business to be conducted at meetings;
    • unless another member is authorised by the committee to do so, maintaining on behalf of the Association the register of members, and recording in the register any changes in the membership, as required under WA Law;
    • maintaining on behalf of the Association an up-to-date copy of these rules, as required under WA Law;
    • unless another member is authorised by the committee to do so, maintaining on behalf of the Association a record of committee members and other persons authorised to act on behalf of the Association, as required under WA Law;
    • ensuring the safe custody of the books of the Association, other than the financial records, financial statements and financial reports, as applicable to the Association;
    • maintaining full and accurate minutes of committee meetings and general meetings;
    • carrying out any other duty given to the secretary under these rules or by the committee.
  • Treasurer
    • ensuring that any amounts payable to the Association are collected and issuing receipts for those amounts in the Association’s name; 
    • ensuring that any amounts paid to the Association are credited to the appropriate account of the Association, as directed by the committee;
    • ensuring that any payments to be made by the Association that have been authorised by the committee or at a general meeting are made on time;
    • ensuring that the Association complies with the relevant requirements of WA Law;
    • ensuring the safe custody of the Association’s financial records, financial statements and financial reports, as applicable to the Association;
    • if the Association is a tier 1 association, coordinating the preparation of the Association’s financial statements before their submission to the Association’s annual general meeting;
    • if the Association is a tier 2 association or tier 3 association, coordinating the preparation of the Association’s financial report before its submission to the Association’s annual general meeting;
    • providing any assistance required by an auditor or reviewer conducting an audit or review of the Association’s financial statements or financial report under WA Law;
    • carrying out any other duty given to the treasurer under these rules or by the committee.
  • Ordinary Committee Members
    • Represent members on the committee
    • Contribute to decisions made by the committee
    • Undertake other duties as assigned by the committee